Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Apple earnings not so sweet

Briefly, as the beta chasers continue to conveniently compartmentalize all of the encroaching “badness,” there isn’t much sense at this juncture to rehash all the numerous and accruing issues. However, I wanted to spend a minute or two on Apple’s (AAPL) supposedly spectacular earnings tonight: Headlines read that Apple’s profits leapt 67% and revenues increased 24%. Sounds good, huh? However, a closer look of Apple's balance sheet reveals a rather bulky increase in both Other Assets and Accounts Receivables. Other Assets (which are probably factored receivables) and Accounts Receivable increased a combined total of 54% year-over-year, making the reported increase of 24% in revenues look fairly suspect. It’s quite obvious that Apple’s retail chains are likely choking on a sizable amount of unsold inventory.

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