Thursday, August 30, 2007

Nokia's lemonade stand next to Apple's, good for everyone

Been very busy as it appears from my vantage that things are soon going to get very interesting. Comments to follow in coming weeks. In the meantime, there was breaking news within one of my favorite sectors that I beleive is setting itself for a mighty fall-- handset and PDA makers. Nokia (NOK), the world's largest mobile phone maker, rolled-out a new online music store along with "new top-end handsets," with Apple's (AAPL) popular (but so far disappointing) iPhone in its cross-hairs. Of course, Nokia's setting-up a lemonade stand next to Apple's was deemed to be great news for the entire universe as not only did Nokia's(NOK) shares shoot to its highest levels since 2001, but Apple (AAPL) and Research in Motion (RIMM) shares also recovered all and more of their previous days decent-sized losses. In fact, Apple investors were so excited about the pending pressure on its own iPhone margins, that its shares were bid-up over 7-points....P.S.--Monday's blowout of China's Shanghai Composite Stock Index certainly felt like a final blow-off move for that spectacular bubble.

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