Monday, September 17, 2007

25 bps nearly a certainty

It's irony on parade tomorrow as free market proponent, Ben "Helicopter" Bernanke and the other miscreants at the U.S. Federal Reserve make it known to other free market proponents on Wall Street what short-term interest rates shall be. Many folks are debating between the three possible options--50bps, 25 bps or no move. I see a nearly 100-percent chance of a 25 bps cut. A no move is virtually impossible given that unbeknownst to many folks, the Fed has actually already moved the Fed funds rate down to 5-percent after being as low as 4.5% in mid-August. I wonder when they were going to tell us? So that is nearly impossible. Besides, an announced "no change" would be greeted with a tantrum by the speculating community. The other option, which also seems pretty unlikely is a 50 bps cut. If this were to occur, that would be an irony within an irony. Think about this possibility amidst the current backdrop the day after crude oil closed at its highest ever price for a NYMEX forward contract EVER!!?!?! And, as of today's close, gold is less than 1-percent from its 26-year high. A move as aggressive as 50 bps could literally tank the dollar. Under the circumstances, 25 bps is almost assured. However, Ben Bernanke never asked my advice on the matter. But I would be more worried about the purchasing power of the currency by which folks other than hedge fund billionaires need for the purchase of food and shelter. I would be more apt to raise rates 25-to-50 bps. But that's just me. Pretty silly, huh Ben.

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